Hello everyone!!
I figured I'd catch you all up on the last couple of weeks! Hmmm.... So transfer calls came in about 2 weeks ago; I found out I was staying in Kayenta, and that I'd be getting a trainee! Needless to say, I was scared out of my mind, but it's been alright :) The new guy's name is Elder Udy! He's from Tennessee, and came fresh out of high school... geez I feel old. Anywho, these past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of attempting to show him how to be a missionary, along with some domestic skills (how to do laundry, how to cook ramen and other foods, all that jazz ;)) He's been doing really great! We got a challenge from our ward mission leader for this upcoming week: sing to people we meet. So that'll be interesting... Udy's got a great voice though, so I'll rely on him! It's been a bit of a struggle teaching him the area, I'm preparing him to run it on his own for the next couple of days! I'll be going on transfers to Chilchinbeto to see how they're doing out there. It's a challenge for the Elders in deep Rez (read: abject poverty; people living in little shacks miles away from each other; not very many people there anyways), as there's not a whole lot of accountability for how they spend their time... So that's where I step in! Should be good :) And Elder Udy is definitely ready to run the area--he's a champ! In other news, this week hurt quite a bit, knowing that Tay was getting home and Jess was getting married and I couldn't be there for them, but I know that this is where I need to be! I've been learning the book of mormon--how it applies to us--more and more every day! The gospel of Jesus Christ, in its entirety, is on the earth today! How awesome is that?!? Families can be together forever! Who we are today isn't who we have to be tomorrow! All because of Him. It's great being able to share that message with everyone we meet :) hmmm..... other than that.... The first district meeting with the new district went super well! Zone leaders randomly showed up, but everything went smoothly, and we set some great goals as a district. Last Monday, I took the District out to the Diversion Dam wash... Literally got covered in mud from head to toe XD And today I took them to Black Mesa! Elder Udy and Elder Hill got a wee bit lost. But they lived, so that's always good :) Pumped for an awesome week this week! I'm starting exchanges with the District, and things are improving everywhere!
Love you all!
Elder Kraus
Right before going and picking up the new guys, with the old district |
And an old sheep camp shelter. |