Hello hello hello!!!
Hoping and praying everyone's week was an excellent one. There's not a whole ton of time, so I'll get right down to the 2 things I wanted to share this week. The first is the absolute blessing it is to be a full time missionary at this time. Earlier this week, we had the opportunity to come into contact with Olivia, a Less Active who fell out of contact with the church years ago. The miraculous thing is that we happened to find her at the very time in her life when she's been feeling that she needs to come back. In our first lesson with her, I felt the love of Heavenly Father for her, a complete stranger, stronger than I have in a very long time. I know that God knows each of His children. We also had a similar experience with another LA who just moved to Durango recently--being a representative of Christ gives you the opportunity to interact with those you've just met in ways that most close friends rarely do... I love being a missionary. I love getting the opportunity to share the knowledge I've been blessed with that the way back to God, the way to true happiness, both in this life and the next, has been brought back. I love getting the chance to bear my testimony of the reality and the divinity of Jesus Christ on a daily basis. He lives. Because of Him, all will be resurrected; death has no sting. Because of Him, we can find new life every day as we make the conscious decision to follow Him, to live the way He lived. Ah. I love it :)
In other news, we also contacted one of the most well-off referrals I've ever seen this week. To give you a brief picture; the husband is a plastic surgeon and the wife has a PhD. Their home is brilliant--set into the side of the mountain, tons of windows, etc. etc. It looks like a place that Tony Stark would have as his summer home. As we drove away after a brief visit, I found myself thinking what I could do in my life to achieve that worldly greatness; what I'd have to sacrifice, etc. Then the thought struck me. There's a difference between what the world deems to be great and what God deems to be great. The teachings of Howard W. Hunter book has an excellent discourse on what true greatness is. Essentially, it is to be as much like Christ as possible; to truly fill the measure of our creation. To do the small things we can do every day to serve and uplift those around us. True greatness is not reserved for the elite few, but for every diligent follower of Christ. I know that may seem like common sense, but it was an epiphany to me.
Anywho, that's all the time I have this week. I hope everyone's Easter was incredible!! Live your life the way that He lived His!!!
Love you all!!!
Elder Kraus