Monday, May 8, 2017



I really don't know what to write... 

2 years ago, it was my 3rd day in the Missionary Training Center. I still wasn't too sure about this whole "mission" thing. I never could have imagined how much I'd come to love the four-corners area, and the people who live here. Here a couple of things I've come to know these last 2 years: 

1. God lives, and He is literally the Father of our Spirits. I've felt his love for me and for those around me, more than I can explain. 

2. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, actually came to the Earth to provide the way, through his example, teachings, and suffering, for all of us, His brothers and sisters, to become like Him, and to return to live with God as part of His family after this life.

3. That way to return to God, along with the power to seal families together for eternity, was lost for a really long time. Great news: it's been brought back. There is a Prophet on the Earth, with power and authority from God, who teaches us exactly what God would have us know and do to be truly happy in this life.

4. I've come to know, more than just about anything else, of the power Jesus Christ has to change lives. He's changed my nature, and I've been privileged to be a part of that process for others while I've been here. 

My mission has been a miracle. I wouldn't trade the last two years for anything. If you have any questions about anything, especially the Gospel of Jesus Christ, please just shoot me an email. Here,

Love you all, see you soon,

Elder Kraus

Pictures: My first P-Day in the Field, with Elder Hakala (my trainer), and my last P-day in the field, at the same place, on the same hike.