Hi everyone!
Elder Blazzard and I at the world map!
The MTC is going so great! Life here is so busy! It feels like it's been over a month here, but it's fantastic. Lets see... Wednesday, I got here, then immediately orientation started! I met my district, and we learned and studied and role played until 9:30, then a weeee bit o'time before bed to write in the journal before lights out time. How is the journal writing going? :) My companion is fantastic! He's a giant, spiritually and physically. Elder Blazzard is 6'6" of pure spiritual light (I'm 5'6" btw). Apart from that.... Thursday, we had a little time for breakfast, then immediately got into more teaching and roleplaying and studying! I've never felt the spirit as strongly as I have here (except for maybe the temple, we got the opportunity to go today, and may I just say, Ahhhmazing :)). Thursday night we met the branch presidency for our zone, and then we got callings! I was called as the District Leader for my district, which is comprised of 4 elders going to Farmington, 4 sisters going to Calgary Canada (One of them, Sister Joe, is actually from Farmington! It's been fantastic getting to know her, she's taught me and Elder Blazzard some Navajo, and told us alll about teaching with the missionaries there!). It's been quite the experience getting to serve them all. I know there's no way I could do it on my own; I testify that the enabling power of the atonement is very real. Friday and Saturday were a bit of a blur, but I do remember the spirit Elder Blazzard and I felt as we got the opportunity to bless some sisters on Friday... I don't have much time to express, but I know this gospel is true! Sunday, Elder B and I got the chance to watch Elder Bednar's talk on the character of Christ... We can become more like him as our entire beings are focused on the service of others! Christ was perfectly selfless, and I know that, although I won't be able to achieve even close to that level of selflessness in this lifetime, the atonement can help us to be so much more than we could be on our own. I love this gospel. i know He lives.
The district flies from Salt Lake to Denver, and then from Denver to Durango on Monday! From there, we'll drive to Farmington! It's impossible to put into words how excited I and everyone are!
Ummm..... I think that's all I've got for this week!
Shout out to the Redd family for the awesome care package! and Shoutout to Aspen and Rachel for the cupcakes! You two are my favorite :)
Remember, Dear elder is awesome! :) And I'll be out of the MTC this time next week, so I'll update my address when I know what it is!
Elder Kraus
Elder Blazzard and Dupen from my District |
Elder Peahopa and I, He's going to Calgary Canada |
Farmington Elders in our District! |
Tribute to My Brother Dustan! |
Dustan doing a flag |
Missionaries going to Farmington on the 18th! |
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