Monday, July 20, 2015

Chilchinbeto and the Monsoon!‏

Oh my lanta this week was crazy!

I went on exchanges to Chilchinbeto during the first part of the week, Monday through Thursday morning. It's probably the deepest rez area in our district. I didn't have my camera with me, but the meeting house there is a little trailer with metal bars over the windows and door. It's fantastic :) And the RV they live in makes Monument Valleys' seem big! There's a fire pit outside that they use to cook with, because they don't have much they can do with the little stove inside. Anywho, so we got to teach some really great people on Tuesday--we walked 8 miles on this dirt road to see this fantastic family; the husband is a member, and the wife loves the gospel :) So yeah, Tuesday was great. Wednesday... We were driving to Quartertown, when it starts monsoon-downpouring! Rain and hail everywhere. We turned onto a dirt (read: mud, with rivers on either side formed from the rain) road, and start driving down it, when a truck coming our way starts fishtailing all over the place! Elder Hunter tries to pull over to the side of the road so we don't get hit when the truck slides over into the wash! So now the truck was sideways, mud water rushing halfways up my door annnnd we're as stuck as you can be. And it's downpouring. a lot. So then water comes in through the door, but that's alright because it wasn't too deep :) The dirt road turned into a river too. We climbed out of the truck and got to the highest point in the back, then tried to figure out what to do. I'm just about out of time today, so I'll spare the details, but 8 hours, a pair of shoes, and ridiculously muddy pair of clothes later, we ended up getting the truck out and made some new friends! The rest of the week wasn't half as exciting, but we got to teach some really great people :)

Ok, I'm out of time. 

Have an awesome week everyone! 

Elder Kraus
Oh and the package from home got here! :) So here's what the study place looks like now!

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