This week was AHHMAZING! First off, shoutout to my incredible mother--twas so good to see your face and hear your voice. I apologize to any other mothers out there, but mine is numbah one :)
So, this week was pretty incredible! Tuesday was Elder Gray's first MLC; that went so well! We were pretty tired when we got back home, but still managed to have an awesome lesson with Cody on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's been really cool to see him grow in faith as he continues to read and act. Terry and Isaac are also doing so well!! We were able to teach them about the process of gaining an answer through the Book of Mormon at the Hugentoblers on Thursday, and Terry's been feeling something as she reads! We're so excited to teach her and him again later this week. We also received an outpouring of referrals from the members here! Annnd every one we've been given so far has been ridiculously promising. Teaching many of them again this week. Miracles are happening in Durango, and I couldn't be more excited to have the opportunity to be here to be a part of that process :) Friday and Saturday, we took Elder Erikson on an exchange, and rode bikes all day on Saturday... It's definitely a change for an Elder, coming from just driving to riding, but he did really well :) We committed to talking to everyone we could see, and it led to some great potentials! There were some pretty awkward conversations, with people who weren't quite interested, but it was still a great growing and learning experience for us all :) Probably one of the coolest and most unique things to happen was the kettlebell guy. We were riding up main, when a hailstorm started. we went for a little bit of shelter underneath some trees in the park, when we saw this guy throwing 2 18 lb. kettlebells up behind his back with one arm and catching them. With his eyes closed. For those of you who don't know, I LOVE kettlebells, sooo we went and talked to him. He now knows who the missionaries are and what we do, and I now know how to do a 720 kettlebell swing to a catch (swing the kettlebell up, hit it so it spins around twice, then catch the handle with the other arm). Twas wonderful. I love this gospel. I know this is the Gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ. He is at its head. God lives. He loves His children. He's provided us a way to progress and become more like Him, eventually coming back to live with Him and our families forever. That way is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Have a phenomenal week!!
Pics: Remember the Macho's Challenge? We think someone beat it. And then needed the ambulance...
Annnd looks like a bit of a rainstorm hit the mountain. I love Durango :)
Oh! And I arrived at the MTC one year ago... Feels like it's been one month. Time is flying wayyy too quickly...
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